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Asbestos Doesn’t Belong in Your Home

Locate it with our asbestos inspection services in Benton City or Winlock, WA

Asbestos exposure puts you at risk for diseases like asbestosis, mesothelioma and cancer. If you suspect this material was used in the construction of your home, turn to Action! Contracting for asbestos testing services in Benton City or Winlock, WA. We inspect properties thoroughly and adhere to federal and state regulations for asbestos testing services during renovations and demolition projects.

Schedule your asbestos inspection services today.

What kinds of materials may contain asbestos?

Asbestos is a mineral with tough fibers that can stand up to intense heat, electricity and corrosion. Inhaling or ingesting these fibers can be extremely harmful to your body. To avoid health complications caused by asbestos fibers, you’ll want to schedule routine asbestos inspection services. Asbestos may be found in certain types of:

  • Caulk
  • Drywall
  • Roofing
  • Vinyl flooring
  • Drop ceilings
  • Transite siding
  • Window glazes
  • Joint compound
  • Roof cement coatings
  • Gaskets for boilers and furnaces

To learn more about the harmful effects of asbestos, contact us today. We’ll explain our asbestos testing services in more detail. 

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