Identify Any Lead in Your Home

Depend on us for lead inspection services in Benton City or Winlock, WA

Buying a new home? Remodeling an older home? Your safety comes first! Action! Contracting provides lead testing services in Benton City and Winlock, WA. You can trust our experts to thoroughly test your home for lead and uncover any unsafe substances. Lead may be found in paint and other materials in homes built before the late ‘70s. Additionally, you may find lead in commercial spaces due to lead fume dust.

Call 509-438-9787 (Benton City) or 360-560-4717 (Winlock) now to schedule lead inspection services.

Where Is Lead Lurking On Your Property?

Lead is a pervasive material that can seep into your soil and water over time. That’s why we provide comprehensive lead inspection services when needed. We can test for lead in:

Your safety and health matter to our professionals. If you need lead testing services, speak with our owner today.